Y. ACER, "Who is Justifiad to talk about the so-called 'Armenian Genocide'," REVİEW OF ARMENİAN STUDİES , vol.I, no.3, pp.0-20, 2003
ACER, Y. 2003. Who is Justifiad to talk about the so-called 'Armenian Genocide'. REVİEW OF ARMENİAN STUDİES , vol.I, no.3 , 0-20.
ACER, Y., (2003). Who is Justifiad to talk about the so-called 'Armenian Genocide'. REVİEW OF ARMENİAN STUDİES , vol.I, no.3, 0-20.
ACER, YÜCEL. "Who is Justifiad to talk about the so-called 'Armenian Genocide'," REVİEW OF ARMENİAN STUDİES , vol.I, no.3, 0-20, 2003
ACER, YÜCEL. "Who is Justifiad to talk about the so-called 'Armenian Genocide'." REVİEW OF ARMENİAN STUDİES , vol.I, no.3, pp.0-20, 2003
ACER, Y. (2003) . "Who is Justifiad to talk about the so-called 'Armenian Genocide'." REVİEW OF ARMENİAN STUDİES , vol.I, no.3, pp.0-20.
@article{article, author={YÜCEL ACER}, title={Who is Justifiad to talk about the so-called 'Armenian Genocide'}, journal={REVİEW OF ARMENİAN STUDİES}, year=2003, pages={0-20} }