20. yy batı resim sanatında beden imgesi ve temsili

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Resim, Turkey

Approval Date: 2022

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: Evren Karayel Gökkaya


Subjecting the body to the art has been going as far back as the history of portrayal. While the meaning attributed to the concept of the body has changed within the framework of the developing human and constantly changing social events, its representation in the art of painting has also changed over time. In this context, the study will handle the interpretation of the representation of body image in 20th century art from the 1900s to the 2000s. It has been understood from the pieces of art, made in every period of the art history that the body is not a common subject in the field of art and that it has been represented in different forms of expression from the early ages to the present day. The reason why the body is so important is that the theme of body which becomes the main topic with the human is related to all historical, social, psychological and political processes of human being. The body is one of the closest points of human existence to the surface, as it means that the outer surface of human existence is transformed into a painting which has been displaying the depth of his world of meaning. This study is important in terms of determining the reflection of the changes on the body representations and thoughts of the artists in their works and bringing initiatives on their approaches in art through the 20th century.

Keywords: Body, 20th Century, Image, Plastic Arts