Digital Inclusion of Seniors for Creative aging through Virtual Reality theatre

Karadayı Z. (Yürütücü)

Erasmus Projesi, 2021 - 2023

  • Proje Türü: Erasmus Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Mayıs 2021
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Mayıs 2023

Proje Özeti

Cultural and creative sectors (CCIs) were heavily hit by the Covid-19 crisis. Across the EU cinemas, theatres and cultural venues were the first to be shut down by governamental measures. In order to provide continuity to their activity, many went online with digital versions of their offers. Live stream of concerts and plays were the most common option; Venice Cinema Biennale's VR room provided an immersive experience to its viewers; museums offered 360° online visits to their digitalized contents; libraries opened their digital archives. We can expect that these kind of solutions will multiply in the future, to enable people to engage in cultural activities in situation of physical distancing or isolation. In fact, Covid-19 might have accelerated a process that was already ongoing.

However, a large population band is at risk of being left out of the digital opportunity. Senior citizens aged 65+ are generally slower in transitioning to digital tools and options (Eurostat,2018). Fresh data from Eurostat (2020) shows that Internet use among older people varies from 70-90% (Netherlands, UK, Belgium, Germany) and >50% (Italy, Slovenia). Researchers found that personally held values to do with the desirability of technology, wider concerns regarding its impact on society were significant factors holding back technology use among older adults. Social isolation is another concern. Studies found that seniors are resistent in replacing "traditional", physical activities with online activities such as shopping because they fear that this will replace face-to-face interaction and result in loneliness(Lancaster University,2018).

This bias is likely to reflect on cultural participation, already less frequent in senior citizens, if culture "goes online". In 2015, only around 55% of European senior citizens aged 65-74 engaged in cultural activities; higher shares (80-90%) were observed in northern countries, while southern countries' numbers fell down to 20% (Eurostat 2019). But cultural engagement is important. Attending theater performances affords older adults the experiences of social engagement, belonging, which lead to better psychological and social wellbeing( Ageing and mental health, 2018). Engaging in creative and cultural activities is crucial to creative active aging, to foster social inclusion and intergenerational dialogue. It is

fundamental, especially during these times, to take action to boost seniors' cultural and creative participation, particularly those that use technology and digital tools, in order to make the digital space inclusive as viable solution to critical times.

DISCoVeR Theatre aims to provide adult professionals in CCIs with innovative and creative tools to engage a wider public in their activities, targeting the 65+ population band which is at risk of being or feeling excluded.