The Peach: Brief Description and Growing

Yılmaz N., Gür E., Polatöz S., Gündoğdu M. A., Şeker M.

in: Recent-Headways in Pomology, Dr. Mine Pakyürek, Editor, İksad Yayınevi, Ankara, pp.151-172, 2021

  • Publication Type: Book Chapter / Chapter Vocational Book
  • Publication Date: 2021
  • Publisher: İksad Yayınevi
  • City: Ankara
  • Page Numbers: pp.151-172
  • Editors: Dr. Mine Pakyürek, Editor
  • Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Affiliated: Yes


Peach is the third most produced crop among temperate climate fruit species after apple and pear. Peach trees shed their leaves during winter dormant period. Peach that grows in the form of tree is a perennial woody plant. Peach trees can live up to 20-30 years. However, economical life span of fruit orchards established for commercial purpose varies in interval of 12-15 years. Peach is a type that yields early and while it is generally raised for its fruit, especially in China and Japan it is also used as a ornamental plant. Peaches are very broad in color (skin color; red, purple-red, pink, orange and variegated) (Fruit color; red, yellow, white or red-yellow, red-white), texture, shape (full round, slightly flattened or fully flattened), size and flavor. Due to this reason, demand for peach can vary as per countries or even from one region to another. Peach is the most produced type among the stone fruit types. Peach fruit is among types that are consumed with pleasure by many people as being used for human nutrition. Its importance in terms of human nutrition and health comes from the content of phenolic compounds, vitamins and antioxidants. Peach has low calories and it is a good source of potassium, vitamin A and C. While peach is generally used as a table top item, it is also used as raw material for processing industry. For example, it can be preserved in syrup or processed into fruit juice concentrate and pulp. In addition, jam and marmalade are made from peaches, and some varieties are dried and processed (Serra et al., 2020).