Relationships Between Grain Yield, Organic Matter Digestibility, Crude Protein, Ash Concentration and Water Soluble Carbohydrates in Non-Irrigated Cereals Which are Used as Animal Feeds

Palta C., Karadavut U., Okur O., Kavurmaci Z.

JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES, vol.9, no.1, pp.205-209, 2010 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


The aim of this study was to examine how differences in grain yield, nutritive value, ensilability and harvesting losses of intensively managed some winter cereals (bread wheat, triticale and rye) harvested during the advancing stages of ripening. Three cereal crops (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Konya-2002, Triticale Wittmack. cv. Mikham-2002 and Secale cerale L., cv. Aslim-95) were assessed and Dry Matter concentration (DM), Organic Matter Digestibility (OMD), Crude Protein (CP), Ash Content (AC) and Water Soluble Carbon Hydrate (WSC) were evaluated in five date of harvesting. Dry matter yields changed relatively between harvest dates in three crops. Nutritive value, crude protein and organic matter were relatively small. There were no clear and consistent relationships between harvesting loss and stage of ripeness in current experiment. Loss of wheat yield was relatively high in 2 years. Loss of rye yield showed lower than other. Grain DM concentration increased by average of 9.5 g kg(-1) (wheat), 9.2 g kg(-1) (rye) and 10.1 g kg(-1) (triticale) per day the interval.