Intravesical Migration and Calcification of Intrauterin Device: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Verim L., Akbas A., Erdem M. R.

JOURNAL OF UROLOGICAL SURGERY, vol.2, no.4, pp.197-199, 2015 (ESCI) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Review
  • Volume: 2 Issue: 4
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Doi Number: 10.4274/jus.568
  • Journal Indexes: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), TR DİZİN (ULAKBİM)
  • Page Numbers: pp.197-199
  • Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Affiliated: Yes


Intrauterine device (IUD) is widely used for the long duration of protection, cost-effectiveness and for being a reversible contraceptive method as well as having low complication rates. Despite low complication rates, various IUD-related complications, such as spontaneous aborts, bleeding, infection, and uterine perforation may occur. Although perforation of the uterus by an IUD is not uncommon, bladder perforation is a rare complication. A regular follow-up of patients with IUDs for the complications and training of clinicians for insertion and removal are mandatory to provide better and safe family planning services. Here, we report a case of a patient with uterine perforation with a calcified IUD migration into the the bladder.