1st International Conference of Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, Karabük, Türkiye, 25 - 27 Ekim 2017, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.27-34
In this experimental study, holes were drilled from end to end with dry drilling process on the Al/10B4C/5Gr hybrid composite workpiece material at three different cutting speed (Vc=18, 25 and 35 m/min), at three different feed rate (f=0.08, 0.111 and 0.16 mm/rev) and with three different drill point angles (PA=118°, 130° and 140°) in 5 mm diameter using uncoated carbide drills. Taguchi L27 orthogonal array was used to perform the drilling of hybrid composite. Multi performance optimization of the processing parameters was fulfilled using Gray relational analysis (GRA). Two process performance parameters, that is, surface roughness (Ra) and roundness error (Re) were optimized. The result of this study suggest that drill point angle (33.88%), cutting speed-drill point angle interaction (20.15%) and cutting speed-feed rate interaction (17.22%) have respectively the most significant effect on roundness error and surface roughness of the hole. Optimal levels of drilling parameters in the drilling of Al/10B4C/5Gr hybrid composite were determined as Vc=35 m/min, f=0.160 mm/rev and PA=130° point angle.