2. ULUSLARARASI TÜRK-JAPON DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİ KONGRESİ, Ankara, Turkey, 24 - 26 June 2021, pp.1
Long –term follow-up of the treatment of 3 cases Gingival Recession Defects with Titanium Platelet-Rich Fibrin(T-PRF): Case Series
Background: Bruxism, traumatic tooth brushing, shallow vestibule depth, position of the teeth, long frenulum attachment cause gingival recession. Although many methods are used in the treatment of gingival recessions, autogenous products such as connective tissue grafts are considered the gold standard. Titanium Platelet Rich Fibrin (T-PRF) can be applied as an autogenous biomaterial and graft substance in soft and hard tissues today. The literature confirmed that the basic histological structure of T-PRF is similar to Glass Tube Platelet Rich Fibrin (L-PRF); however, the fibrin of T-PRF seemed more tightly woven and thicker than that of L-PRF (1).
Case Reports: It was determined that 3 patients who referred to our clinic had gingival recession in a total of 16 tooth regions. As a result of the clinical examination, it was evaluated that two of these tooth regions had single gingival recession, and the other 14 tooth regions were part of multiple gingival recessions. It has been observed that existing gingival recessions develop due to traumatic tooth brushing. Aesthetic problems and tooth sensitivity complaints were recorded in patients.
Treatment: Multiple gingival recession defects of patients who completed Phase 1 periodontal treatment were treated with the web coronal positional flap technique. T-PRF treatment was applied in two single gingival recession defects with double papillary flaps and modified tunnel technique.
Follow-up: After surgical treatments, all the defects healing was uneventful. Each of the three patients was called for regular controls every 6 months. The initial mean value of gingival recession in two single teeth was 5 mm, and the mean root coverage rate was 92.85% after 36 months of surgical treatment. The average initial value of 14 multiple gingival recession was 3.75 mm, after 24 months the mean root coverage rate was 68.45%. As a result of long-term follow-up of surgical treatments, improvements in clinical parameter values (CAL,GR,KT) were recorded.
Conclusion: Many methods can be used in the treatment of gingival recessions. Completely autogenous, blood-derived T-PRF is an easy to obtain, inexpensive and practical method and is noted as an important treatment alternative, especially in multiple gingival recessions. The fibrin carpet formed with titanium had a firmer network structure than L-PRF. This strong fibrin structure is important to extend the time for resorbtion of fibrin and release time of growth factors