International Journal of Poultry - Ornamental Birds Science and Technology, vol.4, no.1, pp.15-20, 2024 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Hünkari, Manisa Azman and Denizli Azman are local short-beak pigeon breeds
originating from the Aegean region of Turkey. Although these three
pigeon breeds are similar to each other, they differ from each
other in some
traits. This study
was planned to reveal the
possible differences among these three short-beaked breeds by
using discriminant analysis with the help of some morphological characters. In
order to compare
these three breeds,
the Edremit Kelebek
pigeon, which differs significantly from
these breeds, was used. For this purpose, live weight and
beak, body, wing, tail and tarsus lengths were analyzed. Except for the
length of the tarsus, all the characteristics differed between the
breeds. Considering the
proportional difference between
the sexes (by female),
the Denizli Azman differs from the other two short-beak breeds in terms
of traits except for live weight. The Edremit Kelebek
pigeon differs from the other three breeds except for body weight and tarsal traits. In the
classification made by canonical discriminant functions, the rate of correct
classification is 51% in Hünkâri, 59% in Manisa Azman, 87% in
Denizli Azman. The whole Edremit Kelebek is correctly classified.
In the component graph, Hünkâri and Manisa Azman are overlapping, while Denizli Azman is classified
a little far from these two breeds. Edremit Kelebek, on the other hand, is classified far
away from these three breeds. In terms of the traits used, it is seen that the
Hünkâri and
Manisa Azman cannot
be separated from
each other biologically. The Hünkâri
and Manisa Azman breeds are probably genetically related to
the Denizli Azman. However, it is believed that the Denizli Azman may
have little or no gene flow with the Hünkâri and Manisa Azman.