3rd International Conference on Awareness: Education, Science, Health and Arts - ICA2019, Çanakkale, Turkey, 5 - 07 December 2019, pp.148-149
The Project “Adult training course for small farmers on ecological and urban agriculture” (ECOAGRI, Project Number: 2018-1-BG01-KA204-047888) is supported within Erasmus+ Programme, by the Bulgarian National Agency. The main aim of this project is to develop a training curriculum and training course for adults interested to explore ecological urban agriculture for producing their own foodstuffs, or earn income by selling their agricultural produce. Nowadays, the increasing population in urban areas is faced with the concern towards reaching ecological products at reasonable prices. Thus, there is an increasing interest in urban agriculture and producing healthier and safer foodstuffs. Therefore, in this project, a course on how to explore ecological urban agriculture will be developed. Besides the course, educative awareness videos will serve for raising the interest and implementation of ecological urban agriculture. In the present study, the main aims and outputs of the project will be presented.