Characterization of Acid Mine Drainage in Tailings and Ore Stock Areas of Coal Mine Areas: Kinetic Test Moisture Cell Method

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Aktaş T., Öztürk Ö. F.

Sinop Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, cilt.9, sa.1, ss.96-113, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi)


In addition to evaluating the economic inputs of mining, it is important to examine the symptoms and concerns of the results of these activities. Appropriate legal regulations in the operation of mining facilities are implemented in an integrated manner with mining activities and growth effects in order to prevent negative growth effects on future generations. The most important environmental problems specific to mining are the inability to adequately examine the characterization of wastes and the failure to accurately determine whether these wastes can be obtained over the years. Especially during the opening, operation and separation of coal mines, which are rich in sulfur minerals, the reactions of these minerals are exposed to temperature interruptions and the formation of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) poses a danger to natural life. In order to estimate the AMD formation potential of ore and waste, static and kinetic tests are applied to determine the mineralogical and chemical composition of the field. Among these tests, the most appropriate test in terms of representing natural conditions is the kinetic test method. Within the scope of the study, field conditions were simulated in columns prepared according to ASTM D5744-18 standard, physical and chemical analyzes of the resulting leachate were performed and the results were evaluated. According to the data obtained, no acid formation was observed during the 20-week test period, and metal emissions were characterized at a low rate. It has been determined that the clay structures in the geology of the sampled area are effective on the leakage rate.