The article is focused on reproducing results from a study examining the anxiety levels of students studying at the faculty of sports sciences. The research is constructed on the basis of the causal comparison method. The research group of investigation was consisted from 253 sports science faculty students (118 F and 135 M). Their selection was made using accessible sampling method (non-random sampling). For data collection we used 12 psychometric questions, tool elaborated by Ersoy-Kart & Erdost (2008), used in order to find the unemployment anxiety of university students. For data analysis, parametric tests such as One Way ANOVA and Independent Sample t Test were used, as a result of the normality distribution test. Based on the results we identified that the anxiety levels of the students were above the medium level, with no significant difference according to gender, age, parental education level and being a licensed athlete, but there was a significant difference in unemployment anxiety level according to income level. Researchers identified the students studying at the sports management department had a considerable level of anxiety about the possibility of experiencing a unemployment problem after graduation. The anxiety they identified was generally related to the income levels.