Alien Aphids (Hemiptera: Aphidomorpha) of Türkiye

Kök Ş., Özdemir I.

Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, vol.23, pp.9-22, 2022 (ESCI)


This study aims to show results of a prospective study on the relationship and the variation between the number of aphid species and the number of alien aphid species in Türkiye, the taxonomic diversity of alien aphids, their distribution in Türkiye and the regions of origin of alien aphids. The study showed the presence of 57 alien aphid species belonging to 32 genera from the Aphidomorpha infraorder (Hemiptera) recorded in Türkiye between 1903 and 2021. It was shown that the alien aphid constitute about 10% of the aphid fauna of Türkiye including 592 species belonging to 148 genera. Based on 119 years of data, the average introduction rate of alien aphids into the aphid fauna of Türkiye was calculated as 0.48 species per year. It was shown that the alien aphids are found in 60 to 81 different provinces in Türkiye. We conclude that more local and territorial studies should be carried out in order to evaluate details of the current status and distribution of alien aphids in Türkiye.