The impact role of childhood traumas and life events in patients with alopecia aerate and psoriasis

Şahiner I. V., Taskintuna N., Sevik A. E., Kose O. K., Atas H., Sahiner S., ...More

African Journal of Psychiatry (South Africa), vol.17, no.6, 2014 (Scopus) identifier


Background: Alopecia areata (AA) and psoriasis are common dermatological diseases which may be associated with psychosomatic origin. Close relationship with stressful life events has been shown both AA and psoriasis in previous studies. Dermatologic diseases which are thought to be psychosomatic origin are not examined about childhood traumas except AA. In the literature there is no study that investigates both stressful life events with childhood trauma in healthy indiviudals and dermatological diseases with psychosomatic origin such as AA and psoriasis. Objective: To determine whether stressful life events and childhood traumas play a role in AA is the first aim of this study. If it is, will this role specific for AA as a second aim? The patients with psoriasis and healthy individuals were also investigated too. Methods: Patients (range: 18-70 years of age) with a diagnosis of AA and psoriasis who admitted to Dermatology Outpatient Department of Baskent University Medical Faculty between August 2009 and July 2010 were recorded and analyzed for our study. Healthy individuals without past or present psychiatric symptoms proven by the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) as control group were selected randomize. Forty patients with AA, 30 patients with psoriasis, and 50 healthy subjects as controls were stratified as three individual groups. The Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, the Life Events Checklist, The Beck Depression Inventory, and the Beck Anxiety Inventory and socio demographic data questionnaire were administered to the participants. Informed consent was obtained from all participants. Results: The rate of childhood traumatic events, the stressful life events, anxiety and depression scores were significantly higher in both AA and psoriasis group than healthy controls. Significant difference was not found between AA and psoriasis patients. Conclusion: Childhood traumas and stressful life events may play a role in the pathogenesis of AA. In addition, this role may also apply to other psychosomatic diseases as psoriasis. This result may let us understand the role of past and present psychological stressors in the etiology of dermatologic psychosomatic diseases. Psycho dermatologic new approaches are needed to evaluate stressful life events and childhood traumas.