Okul Öncesinden Lise Sona: Öğretmenler İçin 20 Temel Psikoloji İlkesi/Top 20 principles from psychology for preK–12 teaching and learning.

Umar Ç. N., Kanlı Denizci E.

(APA) Center for Psychology in Schools and Education Education Directorate American Psychological Association, Washington, 2015

  • Publication Type: Book / Research Book
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Publisher: (APA) Center for Psychology in Schools and Education Education Directorate American Psychological Association
  • City: Washington
  • Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Affiliated: No


This work of identifying and translating psychological

principles for use by preK–12 practitioners was

conducted by a coalition of psychologists, known as

the Coalition for Psychology in Schools and

Education, that is supported by the American

Psychological Association (APA). The coalition is

an ideal group for translating psychological science

for classroom use because its members collectively

represent a wide spectrum of subdisciplines in

psychology, including evaluation, measurement, and

statistics; developmental psychology; personality

and social psychology; the psychology of aesthetics,

creativity, and the arts; consulting psychology; educational

psychology; school psychology; counseling

psychology; community psychology; psychology of

women; media psychology and technology; group

psychology and group psychotherapy; psychological

study of men and masculinity; and clinical child and

adolescent psychology.