Workshop on Solar and Stellar Physics through Eclipses, Antalya, Turkey, 27 - 29 March 2006, vol.370, pp.319-320
The Eclipse event 28 May 585 BC is famous for various reasons. It is mentioned by the famous ancient historian Heredotus that, the eclipse was predicted by Thales of ancient Miletos (Western Anatolia) and that the war between Lydians and Medes on the eclipse path in front of ancient Pteria, the Anatolian capital city of Medes, on the same day has stopped and a peace accord is made between rival kings. Pteria is now a modern archaeological excavation site near the modern city of Sorgun in the Yozgat province of Turkey. March 29, 2006 event covers the same area of this ancient war and observations of the eclipse from the same vantage point of ancient war have been made and the area and excavations are briefly described.