Cumhuriyet Medical Journal (Cumhuriyet Tıp Dergisi, CMJ), vol.38, no.4, pp.258-262, 2016 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Objective: Rotavirus and adenovirus are important infectious agents that occurs in children with
severe diarrhea and could have high morbidity and mortality because of water and electrolyte loss.
Our aim in this study, is to determine the frequency of rotavirus and adenovirus according to age
groups and seasons in children applied pediatry polyclinics with diarrhea complaint.
Method: Between march 2013 and april 2014, 426 fecal sample taken from the patients applied to
pediatry and infection disease polyclinics in Sivas Numune Hospital with diarrhea complaint were
incorporated to study. This study performed on only one card covered monoclonal antibodies
included both two virus with rotavirus and adenovirus quantitative immunochromatographic
procedure from fresh fecal samples.
Results: From 426 fecal sample tested in this research, 48 (%11.3) rotavirus positivities and 11
(%2.6) adenovirus positivities were detected. The patients were classified as 0-1 age, 2-5 age and
olders. There is no difference between seasons and months for the positivity of rotavirus and
adenovirus. Additionally, there is no statistical significant difference between rotavirus positivity
and adenovirus positivity in 0-1 age, 2-5 age and olders.
Conclusions: Rotavirus and adenovirus infections occur in every season and every age groups.
Rotavirus and adenovirus ratios of positivity in our study are similar to other studies in our country.
Viral agents must consider in childhood diarrheas and rapid antigen screening tests must be used.
Keywords: Childhood Diarrhea, Rotavirus, Adenovirus.