Turk Deprem Arastirma Dergisi, vol.4, no.1, pp.73-97, 2022 (Scopus)
© 2022 Turk Deprem Arastirma Dergisi. All rights reserved.Taking precautions against disasters and implementing tasks is possible with a good planning. In cases where there is no planning, there is the risk of being damaged by disasters. Losses due to disasters in Turkey are quite high. For this reason, one of the necessary elements to reduce losses and take precautions to take measures is to raise awareness of the public. Although earthquake comes to mind first when the concept of disaster is mentioned, it is seen in different types of disasters in our country. The most common natural disasters in Canakkale are earthquakes, floods, lightning strikes, landslides and forest fires. In this study, it is aimed to define the natural disasters that occurred in Canakkale and its vicinity and to minimize the loss of life and property in these natural disasters with risk reduction studies with respect the surveys. To achieve this aim, disaster awareness level was evaluated by statistical surveys of the disaster management system in Canakkale based on basic definitions and concepts related to disaster management and risk reduction.