Electrokinetic Removal of Heavy Metals from Mine Tailings and Acid Lake Sediments from Can Basin, Turkey

KARACA Ö., Cameselle C., Reddy K. R.

Geo-Chicago Conference - Sustainability, Energy, and the Environment (Geo-Chicago), Illinois, United States Of America, 14 - 18 August 2016, pp.225-234 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume:
  • Doi Number: 10.1061/9780784480168.023
  • City: Illinois
  • Country: United States Of America
  • Page Numbers: pp.225-234
  • Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Affiliated: Yes


This work focuses on the evaluation of electrokinetic remediation as a technology for the removal of heavy metals from mine tailings and acid lake sediments sampled in a former mining area in Can Basin (Canakkale, Turkey). The electrokinetic treatment of mine tailing and sediment removed 20% of Pb and Fe in 9 days of treatment at 1 VDC/cm. The removal of metals was very affected by metal speciation which was determined by Tessier method. Electrokinetics could remove metal fractions I-IV in the Tessier method, especially in the closest section to the anode of the solid matrix, and the metals migrated towards the cathode and accumulated in the following sections. The results suggested that Fe and Pb could be effectively removed from the mine tailing and sediment if the advance of the acid front was favored and the treatment time increased.