A Study of Superiority of E-Trade Compared to Traditional Methods of Commerce in Overcoming Crises: Case Study of kitapix.com

AYDIN E., Kavaklioglu S.

7th International Strategic Management Conference, Paris, France, 30 June - 02 July 2011, vol.24 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 24
  • Doi Number: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.09.140
  • City: Paris
  • Country: France
  • Keywords: E-commerce, New Economy, traditional firm, internet, economic crisis, ECONOMY
  • Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Affiliated: No


With the advent of the new economy, the concept has started to change the forms of doing business radically. Quick and easy sharing of information, which is the most important actor in the new era, has been the catalyst for the change and development of the business world that enters a new era. With exponentially growing internet technologies, e-commerce companies now have become constant parts of firms and shopping habits have been redefined. Because e-commerce knows no boundaries and has flexible, cost-effective and transparent structure, physical trade in traditional areas quickly moved to a virtual environment. It has become essential for the companies to gain the maximum benefit with a lower fixed costs and investments by using their resources using the most efficient manner to compete with their rivals in terms of crises. The purpose of this study is to provide a different perspective to the companies under the pressure of the crisis by investigating e-commerce as an important part of the economy supporting companies to increase their competitiveness. Content analysis method has been used in the study. A web site named www.kitapix.com, making sales directly to the final consumer over the internet, which was established in 2009 with a low budget but formed a customer group in a short time has been examined. The study sought answers to what kind of differences would occur in cost-time and the size of operation in the same period if the company hadn't operated over the internet. Practices of the related to the company have been analyzed in comparison with traditional commercial applications and benefits of e-commerce applications and the added value has been tried to be determined. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility 7th International Strategic Management Conference