in: The New Normal of Online Language Education, Eda Duruk, Editor, Eğiten Kitap, Ankara, pp.59-72, 2022
over the world teacher education programs are designed to equip prospective
teachers with
the competencies and digital skills to tackle the difficulties of 21st-century
classrooms and
workplaces. To this purpose, pre-service teachers’ knowledge, abilities, and
qualities must be
developed as part of the teacher education curriculum in order for them to be
prepared to teach
effectively in school systems. As a result, it is argued that the academic
program of teacher
education should be supplemented with an important and integral component known as school-based
experiences, or practicum, which provides students with supervised experiences and aids
student teachers in understanding the full scope of their role as teachers.
Turkey, pre-service teachers have the Course “Teaching Practicum” for two
semesters. These
experiences shape pre-service teachers since they are authentic, as opposed to
the artificial
atmosphere of university education courses. With the closure of schools during
the pandemic process, each country took its own measures to continue education. Universities
in Turkey continued their education in virtual classrooms by using different
platforms as well as Microsoft teams and converting existing materials into digital materials. For
the school practices and experiences of the students of the Education Faculties, the Higher
Education Council has developed a package program for the tasks that need to be done every
week for each semester. At the beginning of the pandemic, pre-service teachers were asked to
watch and evaluate the asynchronous online courses designed for distance education by the
Ministry of National Education. In the following periods, when the Ministry started
synchronous education in schools, the lessons were observed and taught synchronously by the
pre-service teachers.
focus of this paper is to discuss the rationale for school-based practicum,
highlighting the
ongoing arguments and future directions of practicum in teacher education with
reference to
the experiences in the Pandemic period and the 21st -century skills.