Psychiatric Disorders and Demographic Characteristics Among Geriatric Outpatients in Canakkale State Hospital

ERTEKİN H., ERTEKİN Y. H., Sahin B., KOLAT E., Uludag A.

DUSUNEN ADAM-JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY AND NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES, vol.29, no.2, pp.103-108, 2016 (ESCI) identifier identifier


Objective: The elderly population in Turkey and in the world is progressively increasing and the increase is expected to be more prominent in the future. As the elderly population grows, there will be an increasing demand on health services, resulting in rapidly rising medical, psychiatric, and social healthcare problems. The aim of the present study is to determine the distribution of psychiatric illness, including gender-based differences, demographic characteristics and prevalence within all elderly age groups, among patients visiting the general psychiatry outpatient clinic.