Self-friction power series and their use for evaluation of atomic nuclear attraction integrals with noninteger indices of Slater orbitals and Coulomb-Yukawa-like potentials

Guseinov I. I., Demirdak G.

JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL & COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY, vol.16, no.2, 2017 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Using complete orthogonal L(p(i)(*))Self-Friction Polynomials L(p(i)(*))-SFPs) introduced by one of the authors, the analytical and power series formulas for SF atomic nuclear attraction integrals over chi-noninteger Slater type orbitals (chi-NISTOs) and V-noninteger Coulomb-Yukawa-like potentials (V-NICYPs) are presented, where alpha(*) are the integer (alpha* = alpha, -infinity < alpha <= 2) or noninteger (alpha*not equal alpha, -infinity < alpha(*) <3) SF quantum numbers and p(i)(*) = 2l + 2 - alpha(*). As an application, the computer calculations for dependence of the atomic nuclear attraction integrals over chi-NISTOs and V -NICYPs functions are presented.