Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, vol.58, no.4, pp.304-315, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)
This study was conducted to assess pesticide residues in 34 water and sediment samples taken from Kumkale Plain of Çanakkale-Turkey. Residue analyses were performed with the use of Quick-Easy-Cheap-Efficient-Rugged-Safe (QuEChERS)-liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) procedure. For method verification, blank sediment and water samples were spiked at two limits of quantification (LOQ) levels of the pesticides. Overall recovery was 81.66% for sediment and 91.50% for water samples. In sediment samples, chlorpyrifos-M had the highest concentration, pyridaben was encountered in the majority of the samples (15 samples) and the highest number of pesticides (35) was seen in sample no. s13. In water samples, methoxyfenozide had the greatest concentration, metalaxyl was encountered in the highest number of samples (three samples) and the highest number of pesticide (8) was seen in sample no.w13. Sample no. s13 and w13 were taken from around the fountain basin. Pyraclostrobin and chlorantraniliprole residues exceeded the national limits set for water. In terms of hazard quotient (HQ), pesticides in sediment and waters were found to be safe. Despite the safe nature of pesticide on samples, greater attention has been paid on toxicity of the residues. It was concluded that authorities should put strict regulations on agrochemicals to reduce health risks of these chemicals.