in: CUMHURİYET’İN 100. YILINDA BALIKESİR'İN KÜLTÜREL BİRİKİMİ GÜZEL SANATLAR VE SPOR, Prof. Dr. Mehmet BAYYİĞİT,Prof. Dr. Mehmet ÖZKAN,Doç. Dr. Hasan Hakan OKAY,Doç. Dr. Ahmet Ali ÇANAKCI,Doç. Dr. Mustafa POLAT,Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Lütfü CENGİZ,Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Asem H. A. ABDELGHANY,Volkan Ali BOZDEMİR, Editor, Palet Yayınları, Konya, pp.243-258, 2023
Büyükşapçı Village is located in
Havran district of Balıkesir province. The current mosque of the village was
rebuilt with reinforced concrete by the village people in place of the old
mosque and was opened for worship in 1994. The old
building consisted of the mosque sanctuary, the village room to the north, the
ablution and final congregation area between the two units, and a single
balconied minaret in the northwest corner of the harim, forming a unity.
village room, ablution area and minaret were not changed while the mosque was
being renovated, and the old state of these elements was preserved. However,
since the qibla direction was corrected in the new mosque, harmony with these
elements was lost.
Built in 1994, the mosque has a
flat-ceilinged structure consisting of a harim, a narthex and a mahfil,
illuminated by two rows of windows. The harim
section has a square plan. To the right of the last congregation area, there
are stairs leading to the gathering section, to the left of the imam's room.
mahfil was continued above the narthex and was extended from the sides towards
the mihrab section.
There are rich hand- drawn
decorations in the mosque. Hand-drawn decorations were made by Nakkaş Mustafa
Solak. It has a rich program including
ornamental calligraphy applications, hatayi and rumi elements. It
is observed that the surface decoration consisting of traditional rumi and
floral patterns decreases in intensity as you go down from the ceiling level on
the interior facades. One of the striking points about
surface decorations is that decorations other than the text do not obstruct the
visibility of the text.
The hand-drawn script
applications consist of round script on the ceiling of the harim,
mihrab-centered belt script on the first row of windows, mosque set scripts and
harim door scripts. In all hand-drawn writings, the
background is dark blue and the writings are white. The circular inscription in
the center of the ceiling is taken from the dome inscription written by
Kazasker Mustafa İzzet Efendi for the dome of Hagia Sophia Mosque. In
the calligraphy, a part of Verse 35 of Surah An-Nur is written. The band script
is 23.07 meters long and has a line width (height) of 40 cm. The
signature of Mahmud Öncü can be seen at the end of the script. There
are also calligraphy applications on the marble altar pediment and the wooden
pulpit door pediment.
The study aims to determine the
script program of a village mosque built with public aid in the 1990s and to
point out the location of the applications in terms of calligraphy.
Köyü, Balıkesir ili Havran ilçesine bağlıdır. Köyün günümüzdeki camisi eski
caminin yerine betonarme olarak köy halkı tarafından yeniden inşa edilmiş, 1994
yılında ibadete açılmıştır. Eski yapı bir bütünlük
oluşturacak şekilde cami harimi, kuzeyinde köy odası, iki birim arasında abdest
alma ve son cemaat mahalliyle harimin kuzeybatı köşesinde tek şerefeli bir
minareden oluşmaktaydı. Köy odası, abdest alma bölümü ve minare cami
yenilenirken değiştirilmemiş, bu unsurların eski halleri muhafaza edilmiştir.
Fakat yeni camide kıble yönü düzeltildiğinden bu unsurlarla olan uyum
Kalemişi yazı uygulamaları harim
tavanında müdevver yazı, ilk sıra pencerelerin üstünde mihrap merkezli kuşak
yazısı, cami takımı yazılarıyla harim kapısı yazılarından oluşmaktadır. Tüm
kalemişi yazılarda zemin koyu mavi, yazılar beyaz renktedir. Tavanın merkezinde
bulunan dairevi yazı Kazasker Mustafa İzzet Efendi’nin Ayasofya-i Kebir Camii
kubbesi için yazdığı kubbe yazısından alınmıştır. Yazıda Nur Suresi 35. Ayetin
bir bölümü yazmaktadır. Kuşak yazısı 23.07 metre uzunluğunda olup 40 cm satır
genişliğine (yükseklik) sahiptir. Besmeleyle başlayan
kuşak yazısı metni, Mü’minun Suresi 1-17 ayetlerden oluşmaktadır. Yazının
sonunda Mahmud Öncü ketebesi görülmektedir. Mermer mihrap alınlığı ile ahşap
minber kapı alınlığında da hat sanatı uygulamaları vardır.