Спецвыпуск, no.ISBN 978-5-7878-0142-2, pp.75-78, 2015 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
УДК 212.22371.
Sadettin EKİNCİ
PhD student Program «Management in Education»
This article discusses how the level of successful in sports are perceived in other lessons. The research has been applied to a
total of 202 scools. Data obtained from the Achievement test and attitude scale
was analyzed, in accordance with the purpose, by using frequency,
percentage, arithmetical mean, standard deviation, t-test and GOOS method.
As a result, we can say with 95 percent trust that the student will
be successful both in lessons and sports if PE recieves necessary importance,
national education ministary curriculum must be changed, the necessary
alterations should be carried out.
Keywords: student’s
successful, GOOS method, successful in lessons and sports.
Sports is a social fact to which people are relevant
directly or in directly in many way sand is always
successful in attracting people sattention. It will be easiert ocreate a
sensitivel yand socially healt hier society by using the educative function of sports
in developing the personality of children and the youth. Nowadays, that sports
activity on children and studies in this field is a sign how effective sports is in psycho-social development of
people. Sports and games have an important place in the development of children
by means of psychology and sociology. Because when a child is taking part in
these activities, he can learn to move
in a group, to win or to lose and too be ytherules. Them most important of all
is that she gains self-confidence and understands being a part of society.
That’s why, the sportive programmes prepared in children’s growings hould be
prepared in a way which is suitable for their development properties and should
help them grow socially. The prerequisite to form a healthy society is to
be a ware that children and the young
sters have the education. Sports has an important place in people’
spsycho-social development and sports is them most effective way to keep people
active socially and psychologically. Because people can interact with each
other in many different environment thank
to sports. So, sports is one of the easiestways for people to socialise
and to present himself. It has been attracting people’s attention for years whe
ther there is a positive relationship between the mental performance and
physical convenience of a person. It can be said that intelligent looking and
wellbuilt-shapeds culptures belonging to ancient times are the firs tand the
old estspecimen to reflect this link. Although it has been stated that the
firsts tudies in thefield of movementandmental performance were held by
expiremental psychologists , it is said that then euro scientists have got the
important findings recent times. There is a big relation between learning of
person’s capacity and his/her mental functions. When we want to make a
movement, wethink what wetry to do, why we will do, what the results will be
according to our mental and knowledge level. The level of movement, theway of
preference, our visionicidence are related to our power of thinking. Before
starting a movement, level of mental activity is related to skill performance
in evaluating ther sults that we obtained after our tests and between two tests
while trying the movement. It is known that there is a menta lactivity which is
carried out giftedly behind a movement performance realisedgiftedly. It has
been revealed that mil d and medium level exercises have positiv eeffects on
person’s mental performance.
To succeed in sports, education and training is the most
important factor. After the birth of individual, education and training begins.
It is a known fact that the board’s point of view towards PE lesson is a factor
in development of sportsmen. So, a questionnaire has been prepared to know the
views and suggestions of our managers. Our questionnaire has been proved by
Samsun governorship dated 30.06.2015 and
numbered 42276601-604.01-E.6760423. School and management lists of
2015-2016 education year have been received from Samsun provincial
directorate for national education. As Atakum province has all kinds
of school, this province was selected as the pilot scheme for our survey. Pilot
scheme was completed 31th July, 2015. After our pilot scheme, the questionnaire
was reorganised. Our questionnaire was implemented between 28th
September and 16th October, 2015. In our education system (4+4+4)
started to be implemented. According to this,1072
schools encompass our study frame. No school is out of our frame. Our sample
frame has been found as 202 schools. Sample frame has been shared according to
GOOS method. After the schools in the sample has been determined qustionaires
has been carried out. After the data has
been put into SPSS 20.0 programme, the
results of hypotesis tests have been obtained
via basic statistical tables and graphics [2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9].
to the text results of our hypothesis on whether a successful sportsman is also
successful in his or her lessons under the light of managers' views: we can say
with 95 percent trust that the student will be successful both in lessons and
sports if PE recieves necessary importance, national education ministary
curriculum must be changed, the necessary alterations should be carried
out. We can talk about Olympics if the sport areas at school are renewed
and re-organized , PE lesson hours are increased , and PE lessons are started
in 2nd grade, as in English lesson.
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Arş.Grv. / DPÜ Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu.
Samsun govern or ship dated 30.06.2015 and numbered 42276601-604.01-E.6760423. http//samsun.meb.gov.tr
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Fakültesi, 1994.
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cross table In the course of a sports
athletes who are successfulIt was successful? with questions |
p-value |
decision |
1. Inhabited district |
0.491 |
accept |
2. Type of school |
0.798 |
accept |
3. Manager |
0.866 |
accept |
4. The manager's gender |
0.193 |
accept |
5. Manager's educational
background |
0.753 |
accept |
6. Total monthly income of the
family manager |
0.170 |
accept |
7. Total monthly expenses of the
manager's family |
0.268 |
accept |
8. Did you deal with any sport
administrators? |
0.991 |
accept |
9. Manager 'refers to sports to
you?' |
0.001 |
Rejection |
10. Manager
'Do you think Turkey succeed in the field of sport?' |
0.026 |
Rejection |
11. Manager 'Do you think sports is a
contest?' |
0.413 |
Accept |
12. Manager 'Do you think physical
education is reaching its goals?' |
0.373 |
Accept |
13. Manager 'Do you think my physical
education class hours enough?' |
0.947 |
Accept |
14. Is the manager's 'do you think
the relationship between physical education class sporting success?' |
0.438 |
Accept |
15. Manager 'Do you think our school
is enough space for physical education classes?' |
0.078 |
Accept |
16. Manager 'Do you think your school
has a prominent sport?' |
0.753 |
accept |
17. Manager 'Turkish effects of
physical education course success of sport have?' |
0.299 |
Accept |
18.Did Leaders 'material and the number of teachers enough?'. |
0.911 |
Accept |
19. The manager's 'Can you find
financial resources?'. |
0.769 |
Accept |
20. Leaders of the 'sports teams you
available?' |
0.000 |
Rejection |
21. Appropriate for the administrator
'facilities in any sport at your school?' |
0.000 |
Rejection |
22. Leaders of the 'sufficient
curriculum that prepares students for physical education classes Ministry of
Education?'. |
0.000 |
Rejection |
23. The managers 'attitude to parents
of students in physical education class?'. |
0.906 |
Accept |
24. The Manager 'is enough progress
in the sport than any other city in your province?'. |
0.023 |
Rejection |
25. Manager 'Is there any difference
between the achievements of Turkish sports with success in sports in other
countries?'. |
0.493 |
Accept |
26. Manager 'Physical Education in
countries that have the effect of being successful in the Olympics and
processing methods of the class?'. |
0.006 |
Rejection |
27. Manager 'Is works in accordance
with the Physical Education teachers lesson objectives?'. |
0.000 |
Rejection |
28. The managers 'goal of Physical
Education lessons do you think, what should be?' |
0.000 |
Rejection |
29. Manager 'According to you, how
physical education lessons should be handled?'. |
0.122 |
accept |
30. Leaders of the 'Do you think
physical education lessons should serve to sporting success sturdy?'. |
0.954 |
Accept |
31. Manager 'Physical Education Does
it provide discipline and order in the school of course?'. |
0.000 |
Rejection |
32. Leaders of the 'Physical
Education lessons do you think should be evaluated with notes sturdy?'. |
0.000 |
Rejection |
33. The manager's 'to be an elective
course in Physical Education classes necessary? |
0.951 |
Accept |
34. The manager's 'to be an elective
course in Physical Education classes necessary?'. |
0.000 |
Rejection |
35. Leaders of the 'Do you have
sufficient space for our school physical education classes?'. |
0.000 |
Rejection |
36. Leaders of the 'Physical
Education student parents What are your thoughts about the attitude towards
the course?'. |
0.000 |
Rejection |
37. Manager of 'What do you think
about the lack of Turkish sport is more successful than other countries?'. |
0.000 |
Rejection |
38. Manager of 'Is there a
relationship between age?' |
0.367 |
Accept |