In this study, the iron-rich heavy mineral concentrate production from river sand as a by-product of an alternative resource by gravity, magnetic separation, and flotation methods were investigated in detail. For the physical separation of the sample and increasing the Fe2O3 content, a shaking table and a wet high-intensity magnetic separator were used, respectively. The gravity and magnetic separation experiments included rougher, cleaner, and scavenger circuits. In the flotation experiments, cationic flotation with ethylenediamine under acidic conditions, and anionic flotation with sodium oleate under alkaline conditions were performed. The iron and silica content of the products obtained were determined by digital image processing (DIP) methods and compared with the classical analytical procedures. Finally, a flow chart was proposed for the processing of the ore according to the optimum enrichment parameters were determined from the experiments. The results obtained in this study show that it is possible to produce an iron-rich heavy mineral concentrate with Fe2O3 grade and recovery rate of 79.13% and 57.81%, respectively, in addition to a potential feed for the production of quartz sand and feldspar concentrates.