International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, vol.13, no.3, pp.3513-3539, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Existing research shows that emergency remote teaching (ERT), which has become mandatory with the COVID-19 Pandemic, has unique aspects and provides differentiating experiences for teachers and learners. This research aims to develop a scale to measure the attitudes of the teaching staff working in higher education towards ERT; besides the validity and reliability proofs, to make a sample application with the developed scale. For this purpose, the validity and reliability proofs of the Emergency Remote Teaching Attitude Scale (ERTAS) according to the Classical Test and Item Response Theories were determined in line with the data collected from 878 teaching staff working in the state and foundation universities throughout Turkey. ERTAS has three sub-dimensions measuring Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive dimensions with a total of 22 items. According to the literature, the fit indexes of the ERTAS obtained from Confirmatory Factor Analysis are acceptable. It was determined that the attitudes measured by the sub-dimensions of ERTAS according to gender, seniority, and their interaction did not change. The teaching staff experienced that ERT relieved them of their teaching responsibility in line with the flexibility, accessibility, the facilitation of the presentation of visual and auditory content. Some suggestions have been made regarding the use of ERTAS.