Tercih çarpıtmasının Kuramsal Temelleri ve işletmeler açısından analizi

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Euroasia Journal of Social Science &Humanities, cilt.9, sa.1, ss.1-13, 2022 (Hakemli Dergi)


Although there is a large literature on the concept of preference falsification introduced in the mid-1990s, it is difficult to say that it has been adequately addressed in terms of businesses, which are the main actors of economic life. The aim of this paper is to explain what the concept of preference falsification is and how it affects businesses.  For this purpose, firstly it is examined psychological roots of preference falsification and also interpreted in terms of morality, by reviewing the academic literature on the subject. In the next section, it is analyzed how its effects on businesses, by examining the reasons and social consequences of preference falsification, as well as it is draw attention  to its differences  with other  businesses practices that lead to behavior change. Finally, it has been concluded that if businesses create an innovative culture that does not allow for preference falsification, they not only increase their competitive power, but also contribute significantly to the creation of a social culture in which all kinds of ideas will be tolerated.