European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 02 May 2014, vol.16, no.4, pp.14123
An obvious part of the Virtual Education performed in the frame of the applied science is to provide visual
information. Visual information can be supplied via web sites broadcasting from both existing laboratories and
visual tours of imaginary collections.
Laboratories and collections presented by dynamic web pages can be used as teaching tool for both conventional
and virtual education. In this study, a straightforward example for the fast growing e-museum projects has been
proposed and the data warehouse model has been recommended to save the information in the presented examples.
For the presentation itself the linking model which is able to use an auditing classification between content finding
and data fields has been recommended. The free-of-charge web application has been used to track the visitor
Current visitor activities indicate that location of visitor distribution has close relation with the location of
earth science departments in Turkey. Source of visitor traffic usually are popular search engines. Although this
sample study presented here is called a e-museum, it should be bear in mind that it can easily be adopted to any
laboratories which provides visual educational support to any science
Keywords: E-Museum; Earth Sciences Museum; Virtual Museum, Virtual Education