JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, vol.178, pp.162-173, 2015 (SCI-Expanded)
The structural properties and electrical conduction mechanisms of Ag-Ga-In-Te thin films deposited by a combination of e-beam and thermal evaporation methods were studied for various annealing temperatures. Structural analysis showed the existence of InTe and InTe binary phases at the early stage of crystallization and monophase of AgGaInTe with the main orientation along (112) direction following the post-annealing at 400 C. The effects of the structural changes on electrical properties and temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of Ag-Ga-In-Te thin films were studied in the temperature range of 90-400 K. The analysis of electrical conductivity revealed the Efros-Shklovskii variable range hopping (VRH) mechanism in between 90 and 210 K and Mott VRH mechanisms for the temperature range of 250-400 K for all deposited films. The VRH parameters including average hopping distance, average hopping energy and characteristic temperature coefficient for Efros-Shklovskii and Mott VRH mechanisms were determined and discussed in detail.