8. Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmaları Kongresi, Nevşehir, Turkey, 27 - 30 April 2018, pp.395-396
Physical Activity Self-Efficacy (PASE) to overcome barriers related to the physical activity questionnaire was developed by Dwyer, Allison and Making (1998) and was validated by the researchers. Purpose of the research is to validate PASE questionnaire in Turkish high school students. First, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with varimax rotation results (n=629) indicated that there were three factors with Eigen-values of 1.0 or greater (Hair et al., 1995). Three factors explained 51.78% of the total variance after removing items 8 and 9. The internal barriers factor accounted for 21.99% of the variance in the set of nine items. Factor 2 external barriers accounted for 17.45% of the variance in the set of five items, and the last factor (time-related efficacy) explained 12.34% of the variance in the set of four items. Factor loadings related to the 18 items of PASE were calculated as strong. The internal consistency of the factor-derived subscales was also calculated. The nine-item internal barriers subscale had an alpha coefficient level of 0.85, and the five-item external barriers subscale had an alpha coefficient level of 0.81 and time-related efficacy had an alpha coefficient of 0.69. Secondly, a series of Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) models were undertaken to evaluate the structure of the PASE to overcome barriers related to the PA questionnaire in the current dataset (n=261). The CFA included three subscales (internal barriers related to PASE, external barriers, and time-related barriers), and this structure was tested using the Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) (Muthén & Muthén, 1998–2010). This model demonstrated a good fit based on four of the five absolute fit statistics examined (χ2=279,657 df=129; χ2/df=2,168, RMSEA=0.063, NFI=0.866, CFI=0.922, IFI=0.923, GFI=0.903, RMR=0.063). The covariance among internal barriers and external barriers was calculated to be 0.80, the covariance among external barriers and time-related barriers was 0.78, and the covariance among internal barriers and time-related barriers was 0.66.Lastly, the Turkish version was administered to 23 high school students at a 2-week interval to monitor test-retest reliability. Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) analyses showed a high correlation. In conclusion, PASE questionnaire is a valid and reliable instrument for evaluating PASE to overcome barriers in Turkish high school students among 9 to 12 graders.