Anger and Temperament Characteristics of a Group of Health Workers: A Relational Analysis

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Keskin G., BABACAN GÜMÜŞ A., Engin E.

DUSUNEN ADAM-JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY AND NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES, vol.24, no.3, pp.199-208, 2011 (ESCI) identifier identifier


Anger and temperament characteristics of a group of health workers: a relational analysis Objective: The aim of this cross-sectional, causal study was to determine the temperament characteristics, anger and associated variables of medical secretaries. Methods: The study population included medical secretaries working in a university hospital. The sample of the study included 95 individuals who agreed to participate in this research. Study data were obtained using the Socio-demographic Data Form, Temperament and Character Inventory, Trait Anger Expression Inventory. Results: Trait anger was higher in men and divorced ones. Outward anger was higher in individuals with higher level of education. A positive correlation was determined between inward anger and self-transcendence scores of participants. A negative correlation was determined between outward anger and self-transcendence, cooperation, persistence, reward dependence, harm avoidance, novelty seeking scores of participants. A positive correlation was determined between anger control and self-transcendence, cooperation, self-directedness, persistence, reward dependence, harm avoidance and novelty seeking scores of participants. Conclusion: These results show that medical secretaries have high trait anger and lack means to express anger healthily.