A systematic analysis of studies on reading skills with specific learning disabilities: The case of Türkiye

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Yılmaz E., Yılmaz T.

International Journal of Didactical Studies, cilt.5, sa.2, ss.1-18, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi)


In special education, specific learning disabilities are characterized by difficulties in writing, mathematics, and reading. There is a high prevalence of reading disabilities among students with specific learning disability. Current systematic analysis examines the studies conducted in Türkiye in the field of specific learning disability. A total of 36 articles published between 2000 and 2022 were included in the research. Based on years, aims, research designs, dependent and independent variables, participants, materials/data collection tools, and results, the data have been tabulated and presented. During the last five years, there has been a greater amount of research on this subject, and the majority of it has been done with a quantitative research design. It has been found that reading comprehension has been used most as a dependent variable, while teaching methods have been most frequently used as an independent variable, and the participants are mostly primary school students with special learning disabilities. Tests and forms were the most commonly used data collection tools. In order to formulate a general perspective, the research results were evaluated using the relevant literature.