Effect of Spirulina Suplemantation to Canola Meal-Containing Goldfish (Carrasius auratus) Diets on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility and Digestive Enzyme Activity

Harmantepe F. B., Yılmaz E.

Menba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, cilt.3, sa.10, ss.119-128, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi)


The aim of this study was to determine the effects of spirulina added to diets containing canola meal in juvenile goldfish (Carrasius auratus) on growth, feed utilization, nutrient digestibility and intestinal digestive enzyme activity. In the experiment planned as 4 groups and 3 replications, fish with an average weight of 2.3 ± 0.9 g were placed in 12 glass aquaria with a capacity of 60 liters (60x30x35) with 20 fish per aquarium. Diets were prepared to contain 30% canola meal. 10%, 20% and 30% spirulina was added to the diets except the control diet, respectively. Fish were fed twice a day until satiated for 7 weeks. At the end of the experiment, it was determined that diets containing spirulina significantly (p<0.05) increased the growth of fish. The best FCR value was obtained from the group containing 30% spirulina. It was determined that nutrient digestibility (dry matter, protein, lipid) increased significantly (p<0.05) in groups fed diets containing spirulina compared to the control group and similarly, the activity of the digestive enzyme lipase enzyme in the intestines increased (p<0.05). While an increase in protease enzyme activity was detected, it was determined that there was no significant difference between the groups (p>0.05). The results showed that adding spirulina to diets containing 30% canola meal increased the nutrient digestibility that decreased with the presence of canola meal and the digestive enzyme activity, thus increasing fish growth. When the groups added spirulina together with canola meal were compared among themselves, it was shown that adding 30% spirulina was more effective on these parameters.