Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, vol.8, no.6, pp.1236-1244, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
In this study, macroalgae, microalgae and Bryophyta and Magnoliophyta members were investigated in Karamenderes Stream. The sampling was carried out between the dates of 19-23 July 2012, 09-10 October 2012 and 16-18 May 2013 and the sampling was made from eight stations, which were designated on the river and composed of different habitats. Microalgae flora is given as planktonic, epilitic, epipelic and epiphytic. A total of 107 taxa were identified. A total of 83 taxa were determined from microalgae. Of these, 32 are planktonic, 45 are epilitic, 57 are epiphytic and 60 are epipelic algae flora. Also 9 macroalgae, 1 Bryophyta and 14 Magnoliophyta members were determined.