A Preliminary Professional Development Programme: Meeting the Needs of EFL Instructors


Presentation, pp.1, 2018

  • Publication Type: Other Publication / Presentation
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • Page Numbers: pp.1
  • Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Affiliated: Yes


The present research study reports on a preliminary Professional Development (PD) programme. The aim of this study is to meet the professional needs of EFL instructors at a state university in Turkey. In this respect, a PD needs analysis survey was conducted to gain quantitative data and subsequent semi-structured interviews were employed to obtain qualitative data in 2016-2017 academic year with 38 instructors. Triangulating both data methods, the researchers of the study implemented a two-day preliminary PD programme covering topics and areas from how to teach Speaking, Writing to several areas as of Classroom Interaction, New Trends in ELT and Using Drama in ELT. The participants reflected on the sessions in terms of content, presentation and their own PD attainments. The findings revealed that the participants favoured such a PD programme and demanded consecutive in-service trainings. In addition, the researchers of the study felt the need to reflect on the format, delivery method, duration and frequency of sessions.

Keywords: Professional Development, Teacher Feedback

* This work was supported by Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University The Scientific Research Coordination Unit, Project number: 1282.