Evaluation of functional results of CWD surgery with ossicular replacement prosthesis due to cholesteatoma using computed tomography

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Ucar S., Iseri M., ÖZTÜRK M.

EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY, vol.271, no.9, pp.2393-2400, 2014 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


 With the use of high-resolution computed

tomography, this retrospective clinical study evaluated the

factors affecting hearing in patients who were operated on

due to chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma and

underwent ossiculoplasty with titanium total ossicular

replacement prosthesis (TORP). Fifteen patients with

postoperative hearing results of 20 dB or less air-bone

gap, and thirteen patients with postoperative hearing

results of 21 dB or more air-bone gap were the subjects of

this study. All patients were operated on due to chronic

otitis media and underwent ossiculoplasty with titanium

TORP. High-Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT)

and pure-tone audiometry were performed on each patient

after an average of 17 months, postoperatively. Threedimensional

oblique CT cross-sections were analyzed with

Vitrea 2  software. The presence of soft tissue in the

middle ear and contact between the prosthesis head plate

and the bone had an adverse effect on hearing (p\ 0.05).

The angle between the TORP and the oval window did not

seem to affect the hearing results (p[ 0.05). The study

results indicate that an examination of the patients with

poor postoperative hearing with HRCT may help find the

possible cause and allow for the determination of the

prosthesis location.

With the use of high-resolution computed tomography, this retrospective clinical study evaluated the factors affecting hearing in patients who were operated on due to chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma and underwent ossiculoplasty with titanium total ossicular replacement prosthesis (TORP). Fifteen patients with postoperative hearing results of 20 dB or less air-bone gap, and thirteen patients with postoperative hearing results of 21 dB or more air-bone gap were the subjects of this study. All patients were operated on due to chronic otitis media and underwent ossiculoplasty with titanium TORP. High-Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) and pure-tone audiometry were performed on each patient after an average of 17 months, postoperatively. Three-dimensional oblique CT cross-sections were analyzed with Vitrea 2(A (R)) software. The presence of soft tissue in the middle ear and contact between the prosthesis head plate and the bone had an adverse effect on hearing (p < 0.05). The angle between the TORP and the oval window did not seem to affect the hearing results (p > 0.05). The study results indicate that an examination of the patients with poor postoperative hearing with HRCT may help find the possible cause and allow for the determination of the prosthesis location.