Ayvacık (Çanakkale) çevresindeki bentonit yataklarının jeolojisi, mineralojisi ve seramik hammadde olarak kullanılabilirliği

Tezin Türü: Yüksek Lisans

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Türkiye

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2024

Tezin Dili: Türkçe


Danışman: Ayten Çalik


This study aims to identify the properties of bentonites found in altered Miocene- aged andesite, trachyandesite and tuffs in the study area around İlyasfakı and Paşaköy villages located in the south of Ayvacık (Çanakkale) region. This study also investigates the potential usability of these material as ceramic raw materials. Bentonites were formed by the in situ decomposition of Miocene -aged volcanic rocks such as andesite, trachyandesite and tuffs in the region. This process occurred by hydrothermal fluids flowed along the faults in the region. In this study, bentonite formations were investigated through field studies to understand their geology, and their mineralogy was analyzed using X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF). The study also examined the potential usability of bentonite as raw material in the ceramic industry. XRD analysis revealed that the main impurities in the common clay size are montmorillonite and kaolinite. Mineral parageneses with montmorillonite are montmorillonite + albite + phengite + calcite + sanidine + hematite + quartz; montmorillonite + sanidine + phengite + calcite + hematite; montmorillonite + sanidine + albite + muscovite; montmorillonite + bytownite; montmorillonite + bytownite + muscovite; montmorillonite + oligoclase + kaolinite + phengite. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the examined bentonite formations complied with the Turkish Standards Institute's TS 11136 "Bentonite-Used in the Ceramic Industry" standards, as the Al2O3 amounts were above minimum 14% and the firing shrinkage values were below 25%. But those that do not comply with the standards; Fe2O3 value is higher than maximum 1% and TiO3 value is higher than maximum 0.3%; The samples melted above 1145°C and their firing color was not white; fire loss greater than a maximum of 6% in the majority of samples; while 98% of the material should pass below 45 μm, 23% of the material is detected; in addition, although the main mineral was determined to be montmorillonite, parameters such as albite, sanidine and bitovnite minerals were determined as the main mineral in the majority of the analyzed samples. When the low swelling properties and other parameters are evaluated as a result of the swelling potential analysis, the material determined as Ca and Intermediate Type bentonite is used in food, cement, fertilizer industry, oil refining, etc., apart from the ceramic industry. Their use in areas such as has been evaluated.