Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol.37, pp.113-123, 2020 (ESCI)
Abstract: In this research, with the aim of maximizing amino acid content by different hydrolyzation procedures of fish meat were carried out and analysed with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) equipped with diode array detector (DAD). Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to determine factors that used in the experiments. The RSM suggested 16 different hydrolyzation trials between the ranges of normality as 3 N - 8 N, temperature as 90°C110°C and duration as 12-24 hours were run. In the following, hydrolysed samples were analysed with HPLC-DAD and obtained data were evaluated with Box-Behnken method in RSM. Our results show that, the most effective experiment was found as hydrolysing by 3.79 N at 110°C in 24 hours for total amino acid content as well as maximized essential amino acids with 0.981 desirability. For sensitive ones, hydrolysing in 3.42 N at 106.8°C in 12.02 hours was found as most effective with maximized Asn, Gln and Trp with 0.849 desirability.
Keywords: Amino acid, Box-Behnken, seafood, pre-treatment, response surface methodology, hydrolyzation