He started his academic career as an English Instructor at Gazi University Rectorate Foreign Languages Department in 1987, and then continued as a lecturer at Gazi Education Faculty, Foreign Languages Education, English Language Teaching Department until 1994. He taught Translation and General English at the Military Academy. In February 1994, he worked as a lecturer and assistant professor at Abant İzzet Baysal University, Faculty of Education, Foreign Languages Education and English Language Education until December 1995. He started working at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University in December 1995.
"Translation", "Exam and Evaluation in English Language Education", "English / Foreign Language Teaching to Children" and "Philosophy of Educational Research", "Research in Second Language Acquisition", "Applied Linguistics" in the Master's and Doctorate Program in Foreign Languages Education Department of English Language Education He gives lessons such as “.
In 1996, he founded the Foreign Language Education Research and Application Center at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. Organized many international conferences - International ELT Research Conference. In addition, he pioneered the establishment of the Continuing Education Center and worked as the center manager for a long time. He also pioneered the establishment of the Turkish Education Center (TÖMER) and the Child Education Application Center and the School of Foreign Languages. He was the founder and president of NGOs related to language education and general education research in general. In 2008, he founded EAB (Educational Research Association) in Turkey and in 2012 he founded UDEAD and ULEAD associations. He currently serves as the President of the International Educational Researchers Association.
Regarding Quality Assurance and Accreditation studies, he served as a founding member of the Accreditation and Evaluation Association of Teacher Training Programs in our country and currently serves as the vice president. He also serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the Central and Eastern European Association of Quality Assurance Agents in Higher Education.
He was the local coordinator of the EU language projects "European Awareness and Intercomprehension" and "Redinter". He has many articles published in journals and articles presented at international conferences and congresses. He is the author of books on the subjects of Translation Studies and Translation Education, Intercultural Communication, and has also written and edited chapters in many books. He is also the editor-in-chief of ELT Research Journal.
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- Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Anafatalar Kampusu Eğitim Fakültesi C Blok 17100 Çanakkale